Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 2012 Meeting Minutes

Club Meeting 11-05-2012Nov 5th, 2012 meeting minutes

Eric Reinsvold: President
Bill Gehrman: Treasurer
Dennis Swingler: Vice President
Erik Briscoe: Brewery Liaison
Steve Skinner: Secretary
Dave Butler: Media Specialist

Our seasonal beer competition will be held at our Dec meeting. Please bring in your Stouts, Porters, Barleywines or spiced beers that would be appropriate for the Christmas season. We will be setting up for the contest at 6:30. Anyone who is interested in helping out is encouraged to come in then to get stuff set up.

We are looking at rescheduling our Booze Cruise to Feb 23rd. Check your calendars now and reserve that date if you are interested in attending. The more people that sign up, the less it will cost each person to go. More information will follow as the date draws near.

We are looking at having a beer club competition between Brewnion Colony and Treehouse sometime in March. Nothing has been set for sure, but we are looking at 3 styles: Imperial IPA, Imperial Stout, and Belgian Dark Strong. These beers can take a while to brew and condition so you might want to consider getting something started soon if you want to participate.

We also discussed having everyone brew a simple beer, identical grain bill and yeast and the only difference would be the hops. Everyone participating would use a different hops and when the beers are ready we will bring them in and compare the flavors, that way we can sample what an individual hops tastes like. Eric R. will be posting a recipe before too long and we are looking to share the beers at our January meeting.

Elections for officials will be coming up in March. It's a few months away, but give it some thought if you would like to run for office.

New members:

Kurt Dallow, Brad Denney, Paul Dolan, Jeff Graber, Mark Lindemann, and Marco Sanchez.
Welcome to the club!

Beers Sampled:

Dennis Swingler - 2nd run Stout.
Ken Kramer - Cider.
Shawn Crawford - Oktoberfest.
Eric & Tiffini - Engllish Pale Ale.
Ken Kramer - 2nd run Wee Heavy.
Marco Sanchez - Peach Pale Ale.
Kurt Dallow - Brown Ale.

Submitted by: Steve Skinner

Monday, November 5, 2012

Highlights from Learn to Homebrew Day

Learn to Homebrew Day 2012We had an excellent turnout for yesterday's Teach A Friend To Brew Day. There were 13 brewers in all, the biggest turnout we've had so far. Here is a list of the following members plus a few others that showed up and what they brewed.

Erik Briscoe: Gluten Free Ale
John Coan: Wheat Wine
Jeff Crabtree: Seasonal Porter
Shawn Crawford: American Amber
Jeremy Fusco: Wheat
Michael Hinton: Heather
Ken Kramer: Rye IPA
Mike Lurbe: Vienna Lager
Eric Reinsvold: Gluten Free Ale
Brian Schmalhorst: Pumpkin Spice Ale
Steve Skinner: Pumpkin Spice Ale
Dennis Swingler: Vienna Lager
Mike Terango: Queen of Diamonds (Zymurgy recipe)

We also had several of our club members win raffle prizes:

Alan Hermance - 50 lb. bag of 2 row
Erica Coan - Better Bottle
Michael Hinton - 2 vials of yeast
John Coan - 2 lbs. of hops. ??
Mike Terango - Hydrometer
Michale Hinton - 1 year Brewnion Colony Membership

We also have 2 new members: Kenton Keiner and Michael Rauh.

Report from Steve Skinner 11/4/2012. Photos by Dave Butler.