Friday, February 8, 2013

February 2013 meeting minutes

Elections were held during the February meeting on February 4th at Crabtree Brewing. Our new President is Brian Schmalhorst. Our new Vice President is Erik Briscoe. Steve Skinner is still Secretary. Bill Gehrman is still Treasurer. Dave Butler is still our Media Specialist. Two new positions were added. Dennis Swingler is our new Event Coordinator and Shawn Crawford is our new Competition Coordinator. Ken Kramer will help Shawn as needed. (Ken, see what happens when you miss a meeting?)

The interview that was conducted at the old Crabtree Brewery for the Colorado Brews TV show will air on Saturday April 6th at 9:30 pm on Rocky Mountain PBS, and yes, during the end of the Final 4 semi-final game.

Beers Tasted:

Club Wee Heavy
Greg Bowdish - Gruit
Greg Bowdish - Blended beer from Montana Brewing Co.
Adam Wills - Mint Chocolate Chip Milk Stout
Steve Skinner - Cranberry Ale
Alan Hermance - Belgian Dark Ale
Alan Hermance - Blackberry Mead
Dennis Swingler - Vanilla Coffee Stout
Mike Ruah - Stout
Mike Lurbe/Swingler - 2nd Run Wee Heavy
Bob Biffle - Double Black IPA
Mike Mosher - American Red
Dennis Swingler - Vienna Lager
Mike Mosher - Pepper IPA
Brian Schmalhorst - Hard Apple Cider
Club Imperial Stout, 4 samples pulled from the 4 conditioning kegs
Dennis Swingler - Brown Ale